
Showing posts from June, 2018

Be strong

Holding the hand of someone bigger and stronger than you is sure to make you bigger and stronger too! Monday:  10 minute warm-up   3 rounds:            20 push ups            20 ft bear crawl            20 sit-ups            20 burpees            10 minute bike, row, run - alternate which one you do each round ex: round 1 row, round 2        bike, round 3 run   Cool down/stretch *7 stretches for runners Tuesday:     Run, legs, stretch         10 minute fast walk to warm up, full body mobility           100 walking lunges          4 mile run                   10 minute walk to cool down *. 7 stretches for runners Wednesday: ...

Greatness outside your comfort zone

"Great things never came out of comfort zones" Unknown Move outside your comfort zones in the workouts and your life this week! Monday: 10 minute warm-up 20 rounds: 5 sit - ups 2 hindu push-ups 2 pull-ups 30 minute bike, row or eliptical - 5 minutes moderate 1 minute fast Cool down / Stretch Tuesday: 10 minute warm-up 6 rounds: 20 walking lunges 20 box step-ups - a challenging height 20 scissor kicks 400m run Cool down / stretch Wednesday: 60 minute yoga or Group training at my house - 8:30am Thursday: 10 minute warm-up Run: 1 mile easy 400m moderate 400m fast 400m easy 400m moderate 400m fast 400m moderate 1 mile easy Cool down Stretch Friday: 10 minute warm-up 10 rounds: 5 Bench press - a weight challenging but you can complete all 5 unbroken 5 bicep curls - a weight challenging but one you can complete all 5 unbroken 5 burpees 5 minute moderate bike row or elliptical Cool down Stretch Saturday:...


I'm reminded once again the power of finishing what you start.  This past week has been a time of celebrating the end of the school year and with that comes high school graduation.  Part of my job is that of consulting with high school students, making sure they are on track and keeping up with their work and grades.  For most of those I see this is an easy task, but there was one that I had to constatnly remind, over the past 4 years, that the end would come. I met Josh his freshman year.  He was a little quiet guy who would easily smile but didn't have a lot to say.  His grades were okay the first semester and then he suddenly disappeared.  No one seemed to know where he was.  After a couple of weeks one of the teachers came to me and said that Josh was in Russia.  His father had suddenly died and he and his family had gone back to be with family.  My heart broke for this young man and I knew that grace would be something he would ne...

Oh my - What a week!!!!!!!!

Have you ever had a week that seemed so out of your control that you eventually go numb?  That's the week I have recently been the recipient of.  It started last Saturday when Charlie and our youngest son, Casey, along with 2 other guys went on a dirt bike ride in Randle Washington.  Because Charlie has not riden in a number of years I insisted he purchase the best "armor" he could get!  Together we picked out a few hundred dollars worth of pads for his chest, spine, neck, shoulders, elbows, knees, hips,...we would discover that we missed one tiny little spot!  He was excited for the opportunity to spend time on the bike with Casey and I was excited for him.   They left Saturday morning and planned on being gone for the day.  I decided it was the perfect opportunity to use the time for myself and get caught up on things I have set aside.  After running a few errands I came into the house to a ringing phone, it was Casey.  He was calm...