Accept the help!

One of my students is really struggling.  His progress report is covered in F's as missing work piles up.  Conferences with him, his Mom, and other teachers has brought little to no change.  To say that this is frustrating is an understatement!  His response to our most recent conversation where offers of extra help was perhaps the most discouraging yet.  The suggestion of a tutor and time to work on assignments at school was met with a response that he didn't need help.  He said that he isn't struggling!  What?  How could he not see the mess he is in?  What will it take for change to occur and progress to begin?   It was difficult for me to contain my response as my head was screaming, "You are heading towards the point of no return and you're in absolute denial!" As I thought about it I have to admit that I have done the same thing in one way or another.

Being in a position of need and turning help away because of pride is so incredibly detrimental to success.  How often do I/we think that we can hide behind the mask of pride and arrogance when the obvious is in plan view?  Whatever it is I/we are trying to hide or cover up is not going away through denial.  To turn help away is to be content with being stagnant and in a position of falling further and further behind.  The first move towards accomplishment is to allow yourself to be vulnerable and admit that you need help.

As we journey towards the goal you have each set for yourself it is my prayer that you don't hide behind the obvious and that you accept the support and encouragement of those around you.  If you are struggling with eating then let it be known!  If you are struggling with motivation to get your workouts done then speak up!  The worst thing you could do is to hide behind pride and/or apathy.  Digging your heels in and refusing help can keep you from success that is sure to come if you simply ask for and accept the support that is all around you!



  1. Words of wisdom, blessing on you Terree!

  2. This speaks volumes to me! It took years of struggling, gaining weight, increased self hatred, avoiding mirrors and a myriad of other toxic behaviors before I finally was able to swallow my pride and grasp the hands that were reaching out to help me. Being a nurse, we focus our whole lives on saving and helping others but are insanely hesitant to ask or accept help for our selves.

    By finally embracing the resources, support, advice and love around myself and this journey I am flourishing. Feeling better than I have in years and DOWN another 8 lbs this week (16 lbs in two weeks!!!). I have been out of town or in meetings for several days this week and was not always able to get the work outs in but focused on my eating on the days getting to the gym/working out wasn't going to be doable. It is so fun to connect with others on this journey and to know that there are others who are struggling, succeeding and cheering all of us on in this new life!

    Curious to know if anyone has found any new recipes that they love??

    1. Awesome job Natalie, that's amazing!!!

    2. Natalie, you are truly amazing!

    3. Thanks for sharing how you gave yourself permission to focus on one aspect of the program on the days you had a more complicated schedule. Not only that you did it but that you accepted the limitations and celebrated the successes. Your words helped me to stop and reflect on my successes this week amidst the trade-offs I have had to make.


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