Week 4 of 24


I hope you are able to say, more often than not, "This is the best day ever!"  My grandson, Noah, is frequently heard saying this very thing.  Finding joy in the simple events, like Uncle Jon's surprise pirate party, that can make a spectacular day is a childlike behavior we should never outgrow.

I pray that this upcoming week you have many days that can be claimed as some of your best ever!  As you continue with your physical conditioning it is my hope that you find a sense of fun in getting into shape.  Set aside the fears you might have in others watching your efforts, instead, put a smile on your face and the words, "This is the best day ever" in your heart.  Allow others to be impacted by your actions and give yourself the privilege of realizing that what you are doing is truly amazing!

Keep up the GREAT work!!!!!

Lean Protein:
    Chicken breast
    Lean Turkey breast
    Lean steaks
    Lean Ground beef

Complex Carbohydrates w/starch:
    Brown Rice
    Corn Tortilla
    Baked potato
    Yams/Sweet potato
    Rice Cakes

Complex Carbohydrates w/out starch
    Green beans
    Bell Peppers

Monday:  Lean protein, 50 carbs non/starchy
Tuesday:  Lean protein, 125 carbs of your choice
Wednesday: Lean protein, 0 carbs
Thursday:  Lean protein 25 carbs of your choice
Friday: Lean protein, 50 carbs of your choice
Saturday: Lean protein, 125 of carbs of your choice
Sunday:  Lean protein, 25 carbs of your choice
Monday: Lean protein, 50 carbs your choice

Note:  If you eat salad be very selective on the salad dressing.  Balsamic vinegar is a good choice.

Workout schedule:

    Upper body, core, and cardio, stretch

        4 rounds:
        6 Push-ups
        5 minute bike, elliptical, row, or fast walk
        20 mountain climbers
        25 Scissor kicks (count is 1,2,3,4 = 1)
        5 minute bike, elliptical, row, or fast walk
        25 supermans

*7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, core, stretch

        10 minute fast walk to warm up

        2 rounds:
        200m run -
        20 walking lunges - keep your chest up and touch your knee to the floor
        10 sit-ups
        200m run
        10 sit-ups
        20 box step ups
        200m run
        20 squats - keep your chest up
        10 Sit-ups
        200m run

        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Upper body, core, cardio, stretch

        4 rounds:
        7 triceps dips
        7 minute bike, elliptical, row, or fast walk
        5 Burpees
        7 minute bike, elliptical, row, or fast walk
        30 second plank hold
make sure that the 5 minute cardio section is done at a pace that gets you breathing.  Not out of breath but enough that you can not easily carry on a conversation.

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, core, stretch

        10 minute fast walk to warm up

        2 rounds:
        400m run
        20 foot bear crawl
        20 box step ups
        400m run
        20 foot crab walk
        20 sit-ups

        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners


Enjoy a day of rest by going outside and going for a leisurely walk, work in the garden, go for a fun bike ride, hike, etc...anything that is out in the fresh air and is pleasure over work - give your muscles a break before you ask them to run tomorrow ;-)

    Run, Stretch

    Walk to warm up for 10 minutes
    Run 2.5 mile (3 minute run 1 minute walk)
    10 minute walk to cool down


* 7 runner stretches.



  1. Workout was hard tonight, glad today is over.

    1. Keep it up! You're going to be so very proud of what you can accomplish!!!!!

  2. After working out in the rain yesterday, I loved walking in the sunshine this morning.

  3. Felt strong tonight until I got to crabwalk, couldn't do them! I know if I keep pushing forward come October i will be able to do the crabwalk :D


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