7 weeks to go - 2nd chances!
Meet Joey and his miniature horse friend. They live at a boys Ranch in Michigan where they are working together to learn how to live a healthy and happy life. Upon meeting Joey he took me immediately to the stall where, we'll call him Rocky, and his Dad lived. Knowing that minature horses can have little man's sindrome and display less than pleasant behaviors I asked if they were nice. Joey looked at me as though there was no other answer and said, "OH yes, and Rocky is mine." There are 30 abused and neglected boys living at this ranch and all have the same access to the animals but Joey knows, without a doubt, that Rocky belongs to him. The bond that has been formed over the short 2 weeks that Joey has been at the Ranch is obviously special. Joey and Rocky appear to need each other and have what each one needs to feel wanted and loved. Joey is not coming from a loving home that he will soon return to. He has, sadly, because of abuse and n...