7 weeks to go - 2nd chances!

Meet Joey and his miniature horse friend.  They live at a boys Ranch in Michigan where they are working together to learn how to live a healthy and happy life.  Upon meeting Joey he took me immediately to the stall where, we'll call him Rocky, and his Dad lived.  Knowing that minature horses can have little man's sindrome and display less than pleasant behaviors I asked if they were nice.  Joey looked at me as though there was no other answer and said, "OH yes, and Rocky is mine."

There are 30 abused and neglected boys living at this ranch and all have the same access to the animals but Joey knows, without a doubt, that Rocky belongs to him.  The bond that has been formed over the short 2 weeks that Joey has been at the Ranch is obviously special.  Joey and Rocky appear to need each other and have what each one needs to feel wanted and loved.

Joey is not coming from a loving home that he will soon return to.  He has, sadly, because of abuse and neglect, become a ward of the state at the age of 11.  On the outside he appears to be a happy pre-adolecent young man with a bright future ahead. One would think he had lived at the Ranch for all of his 11 years because of the ownership he took in every part of his now home.  With pride he introduced us to his horse friends and shows us his house and room.  The other boys were kind, treating him like a younger brother even though you know he had to get on their nerves at times.  But with each step he took and every person he faced there was a huge smile along with a hello or some funny one liner.  My heart melted and broke at the same time as I watched this little guy make his way around the Ranch, his temporary home.

Joey is a broken little boy who has been tossed aside by his family.  Who knows the reason why but broken down all the same.  I don't know how many foster homes or other facilities he has been in but I do know that for him to end up here his life has not been good.

Joey is not alone in his story.  Far too many kids are living today knowing that their families don't care.  That their lives don't matter and in turn their hope is getting dim.  These are boys of so much potential and promise.  Young men that have so much to offer but no opportunity to show what they can do.  Sunny Crest Youth Ranch in Sunfield Michigan is giving them that second chance they need to become the young men that God has planned.

I was so impressed and impacted by this Ranch not only for what it is doing in the lives of these boys but what it is doing to those, like me, who are lucky enough to spend some time there.  A chance to show and receive acceptance, a chance to develop life skills, a chance to work with others, and most of all a chance to see how incredibly valuable we all are is what I saw in our short visit there.

I don't know the story of your life, maybe you are like me and it has been mostly good, maybe you are like Joey and it has been hard.  But through it all I pray you realize the value of your life.  Your presence impacts all those lucky enough to be around you.  Your life and your story are needed to complete the story of those you have contact with, both near and far.  Everything you do matters and is of value and has a purpose.    Don't short change yourself in thinking you don't matter, because you do.  Your actions and words are part of a legacy only you will leave.  All that you do today impacts tomorrow and because of that you are needed, valued, and wanted!!!!

As you move about the workouts this week think of Joey and all those like him.  When you struggle use that as an opportunity to pray for those living less than perfect lives.  Think of the purpose God has placed in you and the ways you can impact those around you.  The outter strength you are building should have a huge impact on your inner strength and your ability to see beyond the impossible.   Make it your mission to impact not only your physical strength but more importantly those around you.  Think of ways to build someone else up.  Encourage them to be the best they can be and to use the incredibly gifts and talents they have to impact someone else.  You have a great gift and the opportunity to touch the lives of so many just by being who you are!

*I have been thinking about my "Sugar Addiction" and would like to put a challnge out there for not only me but for anyone willing to join in.  I am challenging myself to a 7 week sugar fast!  If you are in then respond to this blog for accountability   I am asking you to help me by saying yes!  It begins tomorrow, Monday August 28 and will end on October 15th - at which time the challenge will be renewed ;-)


10 minute warm-up

    Upper body, core, and cardio, stretch

  1. 5 rounds:
           10 push ups
           10 dips
           4 minute bike or fast walk
           1 minute plank
           25' Crab walk - Forward and Back
           4 minute row - Fast (bike or fast walk if you don't have access to a rower)     
       10 minute cool down on bike, elipticle, or walk

*7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, stretch

        10 minute fast walk to warm up, full body mobility
  1 rounds:
        50 walking lunges - chest up and knee to the ground
        50 squats - chest up and butt below the crease of your knee
        50 box step up/ step down - Make this a challenging height - keep your chest up!
        3 mile run
        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.
There are many options online, or better yet, find a class to try!

DVD available on amazon:  "Moving Toward Balance"  8 week yoga with Rodney Yee
You tube:  Yoga for beginners  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ6NfFIr2jw


    Run, legs, core, stretch

    Warm-up:  10 minute bike, row, walk - full body mobility

1 round:

    5 mile run - make this enjoyable ;-)
*. 7 stretches for runners - Focus on these!!!!!


    Upper body, core, cardio, stretch

    5 minute warm up on walk, bike, row, or eliptical.  Full body mobility

4 rounds
     10 Bench Press - This is a lite weight, you'll be completing 40 reps overall
     20 (10 on each leg) knees to elbow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1YNvz1Hruk
     10 bicep curls - Same as the bench press

1 round:
    35 minute row or bike if no rower is available (If neither is available then walk for the entire 35 minutes)

    5 minute cool down



    Run, Stretch

    Walk to warm up for 10 minutes, full body mobility

    Run 9.5 miles - Complete this outside, not on a treadmill ;-)

    10 minute walk to cool down

    Stretch well!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Would you give me more information about the Sugar Fast, please? I don't think I am prepared to give up fruit and other foods with sugar naturally in it. What criteria do I follow to know if it is a Yes or a No food? I am interested and intrigued.

    1. Great question Lisa! I'm talking white refined sugars as well as items with corn syrup - The bad stuff that causes nothing but trouble in us! This would include: Candy, cakes, cookies, pies, etc. along with packaged items that have corn syrup. Does this define it enough?

  2. More of Him, less of me. That's true LIFE.

  3. Replies
    1. You guys are awesome!!!! Day one is almost down ;-)

  4. This is just what I needed, after company and summer life, it is time.

  5. So very hot here, have a class, so it looks like I'm running inside today. Don't stop just because there are obstacles!

    1. Keep up the AWESOME work Rhonda - You are an inspiration!!!!!!

    2. Great attitude, Rhonda! Thanks for sharing your obstacles. It helps to know others are having to resort to Plan B at times.


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