10 weeks to race day!

"If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done!"

How true is this quote!!!!  We MUST do different things to acheive new goals.  That is exactly what you are doing, something different.  The picture above shows a couple of amazing ladies who are doing something different to accomplish something new.  

Lauren, on the left, is pushing towards her first marathon and a trifecta in Spartan racing!  Sandy, in the middle, has completed her first backpacking trip, 35 miles to be exact, with 20 pounds on her back!  She is heading towards the finish line of her first half marathon too.  Not pictured is Lisa who has recently attempted Half Dome in Yosemite and is heading towards her first half marathon. Rhonda, also not pictured, continues to impress as she pushes through workout after workout in the heat of Southern Calif in order to be ready to meet us on October 15th for her first 13.1 miles!!  Natalie and Lauren's Mom as well as Amy are moving towards accomplishments never done. 

It is impossible not to be impressed with the efforts of these ladies and others not mentioned.  The strength and courage being displayed are inspiring.  The impact of doing what you have never done to acheive a goal you have never had is not only great on you, but on those blessed enough to know you.  I know, because you have changed me!  

Keep doing what you are so impressively doing!!!!!  


Warm up:  5 minute easy bike, full body mobility (swing leg front to back, side to side.  then both arms up and down then side to across your body). get loose 

    Upper body, core, and cardio, stretch

  1.      5 rounds:
           5 push ups.
           5 dips
           4 minute row or bike - 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast, 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast
           25 sit-ups
           25' Bear Crawl - Forward and Back
           4 minute row or bike - 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast, 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast
       Cool down on bike, elipticle, or walk

*7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, stretch

        10 minute fast walk to warm up, full body mobility
  2 rounds:
        25 walking lunges - chest up and knee to the ground
        800m run
        25 squats - chest up and butt below the crease of your knee
        800m run
        25 mountain climbers
        800m run
        10 burpees
        800m run
        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.
There are many options online, or better yet, find a class to try!

DVD available on amazon:  "Moving Toward Balance"  8 week yoga with Rodney Yee
You tube:  Yoga for beginners  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ6NfFIr2jw


    Run, legs, core, stretch

    Warm-up:  5 minute bike, full body mobility

4 rounds:
    1 minute plank
    30 scissor kicks
    800m run
    10 Turkish getups with weight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bWRPC49-KI
    5 box jump/step down - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxldG9FX4j4. *Instead of jumping down off the box on both feet at once you are going to step down one foot at a time.
    800m run
*. 7 stretches for runners


    Upper body, core, cardio, stretch

    5 minute warm up on walk, bike, row, or eliptical.  Full body mobility

    4 rounds
    5 Bench Press - Use a weight that is challenging while allowing you to complete all 5 reps unbroken.  It is best to have someone spot you on this
    25 scissor kicks
    10 bicep curls - challenging but not so heavy you can't complete all 10 reps unbroken

    30 minute row or bike

    5 minute cool done on bike rower or eliptical



**NOTE:  We have 10 weeks until the race, not 7 - Sorry!!!  It actually makes it better for you.  We'll add mileage to the long runs every other week.  In between, such as this one, will be 5 miles.  Make it your goal to complete these shorter mile runs without walking ;-) 

    Run, Stretch

    Walk to warm up for 10 minutes, full body mobility

    Run 5 miles - Complete this outside, not on a treadmill ;-)

    10 minute walk to cool down



  1. Thankful for the gift of working out❣️Your the BEST Terree❤️

  2. Woke up so sore from yesterday's workout, after my class today, thankful it's done for the day. One day at a time.

    1. Even though you might be sore and sweaty, be sure to reflect on the sense of satisfaction that follows all that hard work. Great job overcoming the soreness and working out anyway!!! You are going to rock the rest of this week!


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