Live like an enthusiastic chicken!

This is one, of many, of the adorable kids that are in my PE classes.  Her entrance to class is one that is never quite the same because she is never sure how she is supposed to get there, by herself? With a teacher?  Will another parent be bringing her?... So, she will go to the office, where she is quite content, and visit until the question arises, "Where are you actually supposed to be?"  There are yet other times that she will show up with other students and on time!  But, no matter how, or when, she arrives she always brings a smile that goes from her face to mine.

She has the cutest little face with beautiful blue eyes that are outlined by stylish pink/purple glasses.  Rarely does she wear anything different from her usual football jersey and jeans.  The exception would be on Halloween when she showed up dressed like a chicken!  I asked where she got such an outfit to which she answered, "My Mom made it!"  You can't see from this picture but this was quite the costume!  It was stuffed on both the front and back with all these feathers attached.  It was obvious that a number of hours had been spent in making this little girl's dream to be a chicken come true.  When asked if she could act like a chicken I was given the pleasure of a mimic that added to the already pleasure I was getting from this whole scenario.  Not only did she look like a chicken but she was more than ready to act like one too!  I think it is fair to say that she is a kid full of life and ready to live it at it's fullest and with as much enthusiasm as she can muster!

It is my prayer for you this week that you look and live like a chicken, not in the literal sense, but in a way that the enthusiasm in you will have a huge impact on those lucky enough to be around you.  That you might come just a little closer to the dreams you have because someone is willing to "make your costume" and that you are prepared to go the full way in acting like a "chicken."  Let loose and smile more, not only will your day be brighter but so will that of those around you!


10 minute warm-up

6 rounds:
10 bench press - Find a weight that you can complete all 10 without stopping
         *Try to go a little heavier this week than you did last
30ft bear crawl forward and back
500m row or 5 minute bike

Cool down - Stretch


10 minute warm-up

5 rounds:
12 Dumb Bell thrusters
8 Turkish get-ups.
800m run

Cool down - Stretch


60 minutes of yoga


10 minute warm-up

100 jump ropes
100 Walking lunges
50 box step/down

30 minute Run at a moderate pace

Cool down - stretch


10 minute warm-up

6 rounds
10 Shoulder press
10 Bi-cep curls.

30 minute row, bike or elliptical

Cool down - Stretch


10 minute warm-up

Run 5 miles



  1. Thank you for making my costume this year! Since the half marathon, I put my bib number up in my office at work to remind me to inspire each athlete who comes in my door to take a step towards something positive. I have my medal at home to remind myself that I am in a better place in so many ways than I was in April and to encourage me to keep pressing on to the life I want and deserve.


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