
This picture makes me laugh!  Deacon was riding on the airplane, that is too small for him, while wearing a princess "thing" on his head thinking it made him a ninja.  Hadlyee sat on the chair waiting to be rescued.  As Deacon got close he gave Hadlyee specific instructions on how to safely get from the chair to his waiting arms.  She followed his guidance and was brought to a secure place, well until she fell off, but safe non the less.  
Once again I am reminded of the places an imagination can take me.  It doesn't matter if the thing I have on my head is appropriate to my cause, what matters is that I believe in my heart that I am who I think I am.  I need to believe that I can do all that my mind can imagine.  The boundries come when I  think that thinking past the obvious is childish and something that needs to be left alone.  It is my hearts desire to never stop imagining the possible - no matter what age I am!

Have a GREAT week imagining and persuing all that is possible!


10 minute warm-up

3 rounds: 5 minutes easy 5 minutes fast

5 rounds:
12 bench press - Find a weight that you can complete all 10 without stopping
30ft crab walk forward and back

Cool down - Stretch


10 minute warm-up

3 rounds:
25 squats
5 knees to elbow hanging on the pull-up bar
1 mile run

Cool down - Stretch


60 minutes of yoga


10 minute warm-up

80 Walking lunges
80 Romanian deadlifts - With no weight.
80 Sit-ups

30 row or bike at a moderate pace

Cool down - stretch


10 minute warm-up

5 rounds
12 Shoulder press
12 Bi-cep curls.
1000m Row

Cool down - Stretch


10 minute warm-up

Run 5-10 miles



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