A new Day

I took this picture the other morning as the sun was rising.  I tried multiply times to capture the true vibrant colors that were being displayed but this was as good as it would get.  The pink was more of a floresent color mixed with orange.  It was one of those scenes that I wished would last just a little bit longer!  
I think God intended these beautiful moments to remind us of His amazing promises and all the potential held within each new day.  This was the beginning to a time that has never been before and will never be again.  A day of beauty no matter what might happen.  The choice was mine to make.  Would I see the circumstances that might arise as blessings or curses?  Would the good be the only thing worth holding on to, or would I choose to see the blessing in the bad as well?  
There will be 7 new days coming our way this week and my question to you and me is how are we going to look at each one.  It is my prayer that we see God's mighty hand in every minute of every one of these days.  That we look for the good, even in the bad, and that the spectacular colors of the sunrise will not fade in our minds.


10 minute warm up

10 rounds:
2 minutes moderately fast bike, eliptical or row
10 push ups
10 hollow holds 
2 minutes moderately fast bike, eliptical or row
10 dumb bell thrusters
10 sit-ups

Cool down/Stretch


10 minute warm up
5 round:
30 squats
400m run
40 walking lunges
400m run
cool down/stretch


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


10 minute warm up

1 round:
4 mile run - make this enjoyable ;-)
Cool down/stretch


10 minute warm up

5 rounds:
10 burpees
20 sit ups
5 pull ups - use bands if needed

30 minute bike, row, or elliptical

Cool down/stretch


10 minute warm up

5 - 10 mile run

Cool down/stretch



  1. Replies
    1. Hold each one for about 10 seconds

    2. I am still trying to conquer pull ups. Mine look more like hang downs. I tried starting in the chin over the bar position this time and then taking a quick 5 second count to full hanging position. Wow, am I still sore! I am going to get a full, unassisted pull up one of these days!


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