Be eager for what's ahead
10 minute warm-up
Upper body, core, and cardio, stretch
5 rounds:
5 push ups.
5 dips
4 minute row or bike - 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast, 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast
4 minute row or bike - 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast, 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast
25 sit-ups
25' Bear Crawl - Forward and Back
4 minute row or bike - 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast, 1 minute easy, 1 minute fast
Cool down on bike, elipticle, or walk
*7 stretches for runners
45 - 60 minutes of yoga.
Upper body, core, cardio, stretch
5 minute warm up on walk, bike, row, or eliptical. Full body mobility
4 rounds
5 Bench Press - Use a weight that is challenging while allowing you to complete all 5 reps unbroken. It is best to have someone spot you on this
25 scissor kicks
10 bicep curls - challenging but not so heavy you can't complete all 10 reps unbroken
30 minute row or bike at a moderate pace
5 minute cool done on bike rower or eliptical
Run, legs, stretch
10 minute fast walk to warm up, full body mobility
2 rounds:
25 walking lunges - chest up and knee to the ground
25 walking lunges - chest up and knee to the ground
800m run
25 squats - chest up and butt below the crease of your knee
800m run
25 mountain climbers
800m run
10 burpees
800m run
10 minute walk to cool down
*. 7 stretches for runners
45 - 60 minutes of yoga.
10 minute warm-up
4 mile run
*. 7 stretches for runners
Upper body, core, cardio, stretch
5 minute warm up on walk, bike, row, or eliptical. Full body mobility
4 rounds
5 Bench Press - Use a weight that is challenging while allowing you to complete all 5 reps unbroken. It is best to have someone spot you on this
25 scissor kicks
10 bicep curls - challenging but not so heavy you can't complete all 10 reps unbroken
30 minute row or bike at a moderate pace
5 minute cool done on bike rower or eliptical
10 minute warm-up
5-10 mile run
5-10 mile run
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