Today is going to be the best day ever!


10 minute warm-up

5000m row or 35-40 minute bike

3 rounds:
10 bench press - Find a weight that you can complete all 10 without stopping
30ft crab walk forward and back

Cool down - Stretch


10 minute warm-up

6 rounds:
10 Dumb Bell thrusters
6 Turkish get-ups.
800m run

Cool down - Stretch


60 minutes of yoga


10 minute warm-up

45 minute Bike at a moderate pace

3 rounds:
10 sissy squats
10 dead lifts
25 sit ups

Cool down - stretch


10 minute warm-up

5 rounds
10 Shoulder press
10 Bi-cep curls.
1000m Row

Cool down - Stretch


10 minute warm-up

Run 5 miles


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