Week 3 of 7

Brisk and Beautiful!

I LOVE fall! The color along with the brisk air makes everything seem so alive.  Getting up before dawn and heading out for a run this time of the year, however, can be difficult.  But once out, it is often the most amazing time of my day.  
This morning was one of those days.  I was exceptionally tired from what has been a pretty crazy past couple of weeks.  As I made my way out the door it was obvious that the air was lacking any warmth.  A band to cover my ears, gloves, two long sleeves, tights, and my music were what I needed to complete the 8 miles I set out to do.  
A slow easy run with the attitude of enjoying the sunrise and all the color around me allowed for what had potential to be a miserably cold time to be turned into a time of praise, thanksgiving, and worship.  A time to reflect, pray, plan, and listen.  An opportunity to see God's beauty at its best. 
I have found that the commitment I have made to get up, go out, and train has not only improved my physical health but has done wonders, over and over again, for my head.  Things that seem overwhelming or discouraging with potential to take my joy will slowly move back into the hands of my Lord as I move along in praise and worship in the brisk, quiet morning.  The lack of distraction gives me a minute, hour, to think.  To think about what's really important and prioritize not only my day but life commitments as well.
We live in a very busy world that demands so much from us all.  It is easy to get distracted and move off the course that God has so meticulously laid out before us.  The time I spend with Him in the morning has become my favorite time of the day and a time that puts me back on the track of my Father's will.  
I pray you too will gain an appreciation for the quiet and that through physical exercise you come to a deeper realization of the God who loves and cares for you so very much!

Enjoy your week as you grow stronger from the inside out!

        45 minutes on a bike, elliptical, or rower 

        4 rounds:
        10 bicep curls with weight
        10 tricep dips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKjcgfu44sI 
         5 snow angels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XsCX6RLuuo

    Run, legs, stretch

        10 minute fast walk to warm up

        10k: run 30 minutes at a steady pace.       Half marathon: run 45 minutes at a steady pace

         4 rounds:
        20 walking lunges - keep your chest up and touch your knee to the floor
        20 bicycles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FGilxCbdz8

        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Upper body, core, cardio, stretch.OR yoga (choose one or the other)

        35 minute bike, row, or elliptical - If none are available then fast walk        

4 rounds:
        10 Push-ups
        15 sit ups
        30 second plank hold


45-60 minutes of yoga   

*. 7 stretches for runners
    Run, legs, core, stretch

        10 minute warm up

    10k - 2-3 miles.     Half marathon - 5 miles

        3 rounds:
        20' bear crawls forward and back
        10 box step ups - find a box, step, or something to step up on that is approx. 12 inches
        10 snow angels

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Upper body, core, stretch

    35 - 45 minute bike, row, or elliptical

        3 rounds:
        10 reverse flys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evXOlgLTPCw
        10 inch worm  
        10 side plank

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Run, Stretch

    Walk to warm up for 10 minutes

    Run:  10k: 4 miles. Half marathon: 8 miles


*. http://www.trifuel.com/training/triathlon-training/the-7-stretches-every-runner-should-do


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