6 month journey and a finish line that is sure to change your life!

Welcome to a 6 month journey towards a finish line that is sure to change your life!

I was talking to my 7 year old, 2nd grade, granddaughter about school and the subjects that are easy and hard for her. She said that she really likes math but doesn't always get it.  She then pointed her little finger at me and went on to explain that she just isn't good at math - yet! Her teacher has successfully placed in the minds of her students the power of yet! The belief that with persistence and the willingness to try success will eventually come brings a sense of hope and a reason to keep trying.

The same is true for you.  What might seem impossible today will turn into the possible tomorrow if you just give it time and determine to never give up - You just aren't where you want to be - yet!

In 1997 I ran my first marathon, which turned out to be a horribly wonderful life changing experience.  For years I had admired those who trained to run that seemingly impossible distance of 26.2 miles but I believed they had something that I didn't.  Many times I said, "I could never run that far" to which I was told, "yes, you can".  It took a few years and multiple words of encouragement to convince me that maybe it was a possibility.

My training turned out to be insufficient and the 26.2 miles was perhaps one of the most miserable times of my life, but crossing the finish line was worth every minute!  Nothing went as planned and discouragement overwhelmed me but something inside would not let me quit.

I had met the 30,000 runners at the start that early morning in May for one purpose, to cross the finish line.  The unforeseen obstacles and discouragements along the way brought with it the             "I can'ts", but somehow I found a way to keep on going.  One step at a time was what I needed to realize the goal.  Though those steps were painful they, each one, brought me that much closer to the place I wanted to be.  Crossing that finish line was not the end, but the beginning to a new me and a mindset that I really could do that which I thought was impossible.

As you begin this 6 month journey it is my desire to encourage you and help you believe that you haven't attained your goals - YET!  By October 15th it is my prayer that you will be able to look back and say, "Wow, anything really is possible and though the journey was not always easy it was very much worth it!"

Fix your eyes on the goal and keep them there!  You are capable of so much more than you could ever imagine ;-)

Looking forward to becoming better tomorrow than I am today right along with you!

You can do ALL things through Christ who gives you strength!  Philippians 4:13

The plan:

1.  Adjust our diets
2.  Train for the Girlfriends Half Marathon on October 15, 2017
3.  Become the best that we can be for the people we love and who love us!

Carb Cycling foods to get started:

Lean Protein:
    Chicken breast
    Lean Turkey breast
    Lean steaks
    Lean Ground beef

Complex Carbohydrates w/starch:
    Brown Rice
    Corn Tortilla
    Baked potato
    Yams/Sweet potato

Complex Carbohydrates w/out starch
    Green beans
    Bell Peppers

Week 1, April 10 - 16

**Weigh yourself today and then not again until next Monday.  Use a log to record

Monday:  Only lean protein, 0 carbs
Tuesday:  Only lean protein, 0 carbs
Wednesday: Only lean protein, 0 carbs
Thursday:  Only lean protein 25 carbs (only non/starchy carbs)
Friday: Lean protein 25 carbs of your choice
Saturday: Lean protein, 50 grams of carbs (only non/starchy carbs)
Sunday:  Lean protein, 125 grams of carbs (any carbs)
Monday: Lean protein, 25 carbs (any carbs)

Workout schedule:

    Upper body, core, and cardio, stretch

        3 rounds:
        5 Push-ups
        5 minute bike, elliptical, row, or 20 mountain climbers
        20 Scissor kicks (count is 1,2,3,4 = 1)
        5 minute bike, elliptical, row, or 20 mountain climbers
        20 second plank holds (on elbows)
*7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, stretch

        15 minute fast walk to warm up

        3 rounds:
        10 walking lunges - keep your chest up and touch your knee to the floor
        10 sit-ups - make sure that you do not pull your head up with your hands, try to use all stomach
        10 squats - keep your chest up
Then:  1 mile run/walk - run for 3 minutes then walk for 1, repeat for the entire mile

        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Upper body, core, cardio, stretch

        3 rounds:
        10 triceps dips
        5 minute bike, elliptical, row, or fast walk
        10 sit ups
        5 minute bike, elliptical, row, or fast walk
        20 second plank hold
make sure that the 5 minute cardio section is done at a pace that gets you breathing.  Not out of breath but enough that you can not easily carry on a conversation.  

*. 7 stretches for runners
    Run, legs, core, stretch

        15 minute fast walk to warm up

        3 rounds:
        15 foot bear crawl
        10 box step ups - find a box, step, or something to step up on that is approx. 12 inches
        15 foot crab walk
       10 dynamic prone plank

Then:   run 1 mile with 3 minute run and 1 minute walk

        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Upper body, core, stretch

         3 rounds:
        10 reverse flys with small water bottles
        10 inch worm
        10 push ups
        10 side plank
        10 minute bike, elliptical, row or fast walk

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Run, Stretch

    Walk to warm up for 10 minutes
    Run 1 mile (3 minutes run 1 minute walk)

Have a great weekend, be proud of what you have done this week, and have a happy Easter!!!!

*. http://www.trifuel.com/training/triathlon-training/the-7-stretches-every-runner-should-do



  1. Go Team. I will be showing up as Robby I think, since he has the gmail account on my computer

  2. Looks awesome! Thank you so much for putting this together for us! Go team!

  3. So looking forward to this journey! Thank you Terree!

  4. Monday's workout went great! It felt nice to sort of ease into it after not working out for quite some time! I did struggle with my push ups because I have almost no upper body strength, but it can only get better from here!

  5. It's always fun to do circuit workouts! Keeps it interesting, and the time tends to fly by!

  6. Thank you for your excitement, and your light ❣️

  7. Enjoyed the workout, nice way to end the day!

  8. Got up early this morning to get my workout in! We have a treadmill in our garage that I've been running on and today the speed I had been running at felt almost too easy. So I upped the speed to make it harder and was able to complete my mile quicker than I had been! Feels great to get the first week in! I would however love to hear any great recipes that any of you may have that goes along with the carb cycling/meal plan. I'm struggling to come up with a variety of options. Thanks!

  9. It was a great week! I tend to get stuck in the same old routines at the gym, so it was fun to have something different to do. I am only down a pound, but I ok with that. I would also love to hear about recipe successes, or meal prep tips. I tend to do most of my meal prep at the beginning of the week, and did find it to be more challenging since I couldn't just make the same thing for breakfasts for the entire week etc. Looking forward to week 2!

  10. It's been a good week for me. It's been a little hard coming up with meals on no carb days but enjoying low carb days!! I am down 10lbs this week and my works outs are feeling better everyday.

  11. Wow, thats amazing!! Keep up the great work.

  12. Week 1 went really well for me! I was down 8 lbs and was able to get to the gym every day from Fri-Fri. However, I work nights as a RN in the ICU and starting Friday I started a 4 day on stretch that usually involves 13-14 hour work days. So, other than work I did not get my exercise routine in at the gym. Over the weekend I didn't lose any more weight from the 8 lbs I was down as of Friday. BUT I did meal prep prior to starting my work week and was able to bring all of my lunches & snacks to work. AND I brought a gallon of water to work each night and drank all of it during my shift.

    It looks like everyone had a great week and am looking forward to hearing how you all do during week 2! Good luck ladies!

    1. 8 pounds is fabulous! I have faith that you will figure out how to juggle the long work days with work. Maybe try to get some of the workout done at work during down time/ breaks? Squats, walking lunges, box steps etc. would be pretty easy to do at work. You may even inspire your coworkers to join in :)! Keep communicating your successes and frustrations so that we can work through this together! You are awesome!


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