Week 2 in the journey towards the Finish line!

I walked into a Starbucks awhile back and was greeted by an extremely friendly young man.  The usual, "How are you?" was said by him and the predictable, "Fine" by me was the initial exchange.  He told me that he was glad I was doing well to which I responded, "What would you do if I said I wasn't okay?"  His reply took me back, made me think, and has followed me since that day. With a huge smile he said, "Well, I would ask what I could do to make it better!"  What a concept!  Doing what one could to make a stranger's day better - I wanted to be that quick to think like that!

It's fair to say that we all like to think of others and help where we can but our own desires get in the way.  The thought of being intentional in this came to mind the other day when I was wanting to eat foods I shouldn't.  The concept of combating such temptation with thinking of others needs over my wants turned a moment of temptation into a time of prayer for those I know who are struggling.  It didn't take long for me to go from being pulled towards "the bad" to being fixed on thinking about what others might be going through.

Temptations cause us to think about ourselves.  We want what we want so badly that we don't see, or even want, the good that might be around us.  It is my goal to use this practice of making someone else's day better to overcome my struggles of wants that are only hurting me.

As we journey together over the next 6 months can you imagine the changes that could take place if we all practiced this concept?  Let's turn the temptations that are sure to come our way into opportunities for change!

        I'm looking forward to the impact we will see as we look to make someone else's day better!

The plan for week 2 - April 17-24:

1.  Adjust our diets
2.  Train for the Girlfriends Half Marathon on October 15, 2017
3.  Become the best that we can be for the people we love and who love us!

Carb Cycling foods to get started:

Lean Protein:
    Chicken breast
    Lean Turkey breast
    Lean steaks
    Lean Ground beef

Complex Carbohydrates w/starch:
    Brown Rice
    Corn Tortilla
    Baked potato
    Yams/Sweet potato

Complex Carbohydrates w/out starch
    Green beans
    Bell Peppers

**Weigh yourself today and then not again until next Monday.  Use a log to record

Monday:  Lean protein, 25 carbs of your choice
Tuesday:  Lean protein, 50 carbs of your choice
Wednesday: Lean protein, 50 carbs non/starchy
Thursday:  Lean protein 125 carbs of your choice
Friday: Lean protein, 0 carbs of your choice (You can eat REALLY low carb veggies on this day)
Saturday: Lean protein, 0 of carbs of your choice (You can eat REALLY low carb veggie on this day)
Sunday:  Lean protein, 25 carbs of your choice
Monday: Lean protein, 50 carbs non/starchy

Note:  If you eat salad be very selective on the salad dressing.  Balsamic vinegar is a good choice.

Workout schedule:

    Upper body, core, and cardio, stretch

        4 rounds:
        5 Push-ups
        5 minute bike, elliptical, row, or fast walk
        10 mountain climbers
        20 Scissor kicks (count is 1,2,3,4 = 1)
        5 minute bike, elliptical, row, or fast walk
        20 second plank holds (on elbows)
*7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, stretch

        15 minute fast walk to warm up

        2 rounds:
        200m run -
        10 walking lunges - keep your chest up and touch your knee to the floor
        200m run
        10 sit-ups - make sure that you do not pull your head up with your hands, try to use all stomach
        200m run
        10 squats - keep your chest up
        200m run

Note:  The runs should take you about 3:00 minutes

        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Upper body, core, cardio, stretch

        4 rounds:
        7 triceps dips
        5 minute bike, elliptical, row, or fast walk
        10 bicycle (laying on your back place your hands under your butt.  Lift your legs slightly off the    floor and while keeping them low make the motion of pedaling a bike.  This should be all stomach
        5 minute bike, elliptical, row, or fast walk
        20 second plank hold
make sure that the 5 minute cardio section is done at a pace that gets you breathing.  Not out of breath but enough that you can not easily carry on a conversation.

*. 7 stretches for runners
    Run, legs, core, stretch

        15 minute fast walk to warm up

        3 rounds:
        2 minute run
        15 foot bear crawl
        2 minute run
        10 box step ups - find a box, step, or something to step up on that is approx. 12 inches
        2 minute run
        15 foot bear crawl
        2 minute run
        10 dynamic prone plank

        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Upper body, core, stretch

         4 rounds:
        10 reverse flys with small water bottles
        10 inch worm
        5 push ups
        10 side plank
        8 minute bike, elliptical, row or fast walk

*. 7 stretches for runners

    Run, Stretch

    Walk to warm up for 10 minutes
    Run 1.5 mile (3 minutes run 1 minute walk)


                 It's ALWAYS too soon to quit - 2 weeks down and you're doing GREAT!

* 7 runner stretches.    


  1. Wow! Next week's schedule is posted all ready! I have loved the variety of workouts this week. Thank you!! 😊

  2. After getting a wisdom tooth out last week and not being able to participate fully, I am excited to join in 100% this week! I had a small slice of avocado toast for breakfast, and I'm feeling good. Looking forward to the workout today! Also, I don't know if this is helpful to anyone else but I downloaded a really great carb tracking app that takes the guess work out of it. Its called "Carb Manager". It was $2.99 and more than worth it. You just add your carb amount for the day, then you add in each meal. It has a search bar for food items, and even has a barcode scanner!

  3. Had an amazing Easter, I love the accountability, had self control with my food choices and feel great! The workout is challenging for me due to weak core, but after today's workout I feel stronger then last eeek. Thanks Terree.

  4. i was sore from yesterdays workout, todays felt so good, love the balance! Thanks Coach:)

  5. You're doing awesome! I'm glad you're enjoying the workouts ;-)

  6. This weeks seem a little harder but staying Focus. Learning that Work is probably my biggest temptation but my boss is been really helpful so that's been nice

  7. I'm so glad your boss is supporting you Angel! Determine to hang in there and take one day at a time. We're all doing this with you and want to see you succeed!!!!!

  8. I'm starting this week and already sore. I'm going to have to get my diet under control now. Thanks Terree.

  9. This training is sure a mood lifter in our rainy world, I find myself smiling more & that feels good!
    Terree, is there a substitute move for the plank? I'm having troubles with my lower back (yes, weak core) but want to continue strengthening that area.

    1. Try supermans. This is where you lay on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you and then you lift your arms and legs up, at the same time, like you're flying.

  10. Well I started out today thinking it was Thursday so I was eating like it was Thursday 125 carbs so I have to switch today and tomorrow's carbs Also I didn't get a whole lot of water in today and I noticed a big difference in how that made me feel.
    Make sure to be drinking lots of water!!!

  11. Not sure why I can't get my comment to work.

  12. Yeah got it working! I have loved the accountability and having a plan! Thank you soooo much for designing all of this. I looked up the run and it looks like it will be alot of fun!

  13. I was sore today, was thankful i got through the workout. Crazy I felt hungry all day, going to bed now so I don't snack!

  14. Weekend no carbs is no fun. ;)

  15. But you're doing it!!!! I'm proud of you Angel ;-)


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