Week 10 of 24 Celebrate the unexpected

Celebrate the unexpected!

When a member of Team Marvin turns 6 they recieve a trip to the Great Wolf Lodge with Naunee and Papa.  Noah, Kamble, and Eden went on this fun adventure a few months ago and what a great trip we had!

I went with the cheapest room thinking the time would be spent in the water so it wouldn't matter what kind of room we were in. As we checked in I was asked if it would be a problem to be upgraded, to which I replied, "absolutely not!"  We were then informed that they were putting us in the cabin room, and that seemed pretty cool to all of us.

Enthusiasm was oozing as we walked the hall to our room.  As the door was opened the squeals of excitement couldn't help but bring smiles to anyone close enough to hear.  Noah, Kamble and Eden could hardly believe what they were seeing and said they wanted to stay in the room for a long time!  Noah said, "This is the best place ever!" as they all choose the bed that would be theirs for the next 24 hours and viewed the television in the corner, and the images on the walls, all brought a sense of being in the woods, and how cool was that!

The excitement for something that was not expected made the trip that much greater.  Not only would we have an awesome time playing in the water but now we couldn't wait to get back to the room that we had received as an unexpected surprise. 

I hope that you recieve an unexpected surprise this week and that you will enjoy the excitement that comes with something that turns out to be greater than you could have ever expected!

Sample of food prep for a week:

Breakfast- everyday- cook a huge batch (10 servings) of old fashioned oats- add a small carton of egg whites to oats as they cook. Portion in one cup servings. Add cinnamon, salt and a little stevia.

Monday- Dinner- Greek kale salad with steak on top. I found that carne asada is cheap and works really well for salads! Make a triple batch of salad and portion out into 2 cup lunch servings before adding the dressing for dinner. Portion out a dressing serving for each lunch serving, so that you can add it when you are ready to each. Cook several pounds of meat and add a palm sized portion to each lunch.

Cook a little brown rice for your Tuesday lunch

AM and PM snacks- 2 hard boiled eggs

L- 3/4 cup brown rice with leftover meat and 1 table spoon of humus mixed in.
D- Mexican zucchini beef bowls- dice up 3 zucchinis and sauté with 2 pounds of ground beef. Add a jar of salsa. Serve 1 cup over 3/4 cup brown rice.
Snacks - oatmeal 1 cup

B- Oatmeal
L- leftover Greek salad and steak
D-caprese salad with grilled chicken on top. Do like you did before and portion the salad out for lunches before adding the dressing for dinner. Cook several pounds of chicken and portion out on top of salad.
Snacks- hardboiled eggs

L- leftovers from Tuesday
D- cowboy rice salad and meat of choice. 3/4 cup rice and a palm size piece of meat. Portion the rest out in 3/4 cup portions. 

Snacks- leftover oatmeal 1 cup 

B- oatmeal 
L- leftovers from Wednesday 
D- low carb dinner of your choice!   


Warm up:  5 minute easy bike, full body mobility (swing leg front to back, side to side.  then both arms up and down then side to across your body). get loose 

    Upper body, core, and cardio, stretch

        4 rounds:
           10 Reverse Flys with weight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?  
           10 Lying tricep extension with weight -  https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/main/popup/name/lying-dumbbell-tricep-extension

        After you have completed 4 rounds of the above then complete the following:

        5 rounds:
        Bike, eliptical or rower
        4 minutes at a moderate pace - breathing hard but not out of breath
        1 minute fast - Push yourself

*7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, core, stretch

        10 minute fast walk to warm up, full body mobility

        1 round:        
        50 air squats
        50 sit-ups

        3 mile run.  

        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.
There are many options online, or better yet, find a class to try!

DVD available on amazon:  "Moving Toward Balance"  8 week yoga with Rodney Yee
You tube:  Yoga for beginners  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ6NfFIr2jw


    Run, legs, core, stretch

    10 minute warm-up walk, bike, eliptical, full body mobility

    1 round: 
    3 mile run
    75 walking lunges
    75 scissor kicks
    10 minute easy walk
*. 7 stretches for runners


Rest Day!


    Run, Stretch

    Walk to warm up for 10 minutes, full body mobility

    Run 5.5 miles! (3 minute run 1 minute walk) -
It is best from this point on for you to get these runs in outside, not on a treadmill.

    10 minute walk to cool down


"Don't look back, you're not going there!"  Unknown


  1. Last week was tough with life and weather stacked against working out. I missed Thursday's workout. I hoped I would do it on Friday but did not. I then had to move Saturday's run to Sunday (today). Despite the hiccup with this week's workout plan, today I noticed a positive shift in my attitude about the long run about halfway into it. You are all my virtual workout partners and I feel a sense of team unity when I finish the workouts for the week. Thank you for sticking with it out there in cyberspace. You keep me accountable. Thank you!


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