Week 9 of 24 - New Life!

Atticus Jonathan Lamb
8lbs 8 oz
June 3, 2017
Team Marvin #9

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

I am so very proud to introduce the newest member to Team Marvin, Atticus Jonathan Lamb!  His role on the team is essential.  He will, under the guidance of his "coaches", be training for greatness over the next 18 years.  This training will be a step by step, year by year process with expectations he will have a huge impact on the world in which he now lives.  

As with all training programs, while working towards perfection there will be times of failure.  These times of falling short do not mean he is never going to acheive all that God has planned, it simply means he will need the skills to get back up and keep going.  The ability to stand tall and dig deep in the face of adversity will be as, if not more, important than knowing how to succeed.  

As I held this beautiful little man I was taken by the amazing miracle of birth and the fact that none of us have any idea of all that God surely has planned.  Moving ahead in raising him will take a whole heap of prayer, faith, and perserverance by his parents.  He will need much encouragement, correction, and guidance to reach his greatest potential.  When he becomes discouraged and would rather give up those who love him will be there to move him forward.  Love, support, and wise guidance will be his "coaches" tools in developing a team member that will not only experience victory in his own life but will impact those around him for good too!

It is never too late to move towards greatness and the full potential God has set for your lives.  It is my prayer that the impact you have on the lives around you is greater with each new day.  Don't back away from the guidance and encouragement that is meant to perfect in you all that is awesome. May you continue to develop the skills necessary to get back up and keep going when you fall, recognize in yourself the potential God has placed in you, and determine to be the best you can possibly be.   

You too are a part of team that needs you and is only as great as you are willing to be! 

Based on the book; Choose to Lose by Chris Powell the following is the schedule for this week:

Monday: high carb
Tuesday: low carb
Wednesday: high carb
Thursday; low carb
Friday: high carb
Saturday: low carb

Workout schedule:

You will be repeating last weeks workout again this week.  It is my desire that you see the gains you are making!

    Upper body, core, and cardio, stretch

        4 rounds:
        10 each arm Dumb bell rows - increase the weight from last week by a little https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/main/popup/name/one-arm-dumbbell-row
        20 Sit-ups
        10 biceps curls with weight 5 -15 pounds. (Make this challenging - increase the weight from what you used last week). https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/main/popup/name/dumbbell-bicep-curl
        10 dips - use a bench or a chair  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKjcgfu44sI

        After you have completed 4 rounds of the above then complete the following:

        6 rounds:
        Bike, eliptical or rower
        5 minutes at a moderate pace - breathing hard but not out of breath
        30 sec - Out of breath, get out of your comfort zone!

*7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, core, stretch

        10 minute fast walk to warm up

        1 mile run
        50 walking lunges
        1 mile run
        50 jump rope.  Even if you don't have one you can pretend ;-)
        1 mile run
        50 scissor kicks - Do these in sets of 10 if you have to, but make them quality

        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.
There are many options online, or better yet, find a class to try!

DVD available on amazon:  "Moving Toward Balance"  8 week yoga with Rodney Yee
You tube:  Yoga for beginners  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ6NfFIr2jw


    Run, legs, core, stretch

    10 minute warm-up walk, bike, eliptical

    3 rounds:
        800m (1/2 mile) run
        50 jumping jacks
        10 sit-ups
        25 box step ups - The box needs to be higher this week than it was last
        800m (1/2 mile) run
        40 walking lunges - keep your chest up
        15 scissor kicks
        25 ft crab walk forward and back

    10 minute easy walk
*. 7 stretches for runners


Rest Day - Go play outside!


    Run, Stretch

    Walk to warm up for 10 minutes

    Run 5 miles! (3 minute run 1 minute walk)

    10 minute walk to cool down


You can do ALL things through Christ who gives you strength!
Philippians 4:13

* 7 runner stretches.


  1. Thank you for the opportunity to repeat last week's workout. I was greatly encouraged after each workout (Mon - Fri) because I could recall how I felt after the previous week's identical workout and knew that this week I truly noticed it was just a little easier. I was just a little stronger. It motivated me to go for that feeling the next day. I still have to complete Saturday's 5 miles but after such an empowering week, I am ready to give it a go.

    1. AWESOME Lisa - That's what I was hoping you would experience. Hopefully others did too!

  2. So just wanted to say I was given the freedom to rearrange the days on the workouts. This really helped and I still managed to get them all in! Thanks Terree


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