Week 16 of 24 - Rest is your friend!

Yes, Rest is good.  We all know that the lack of rest through sleep can reek havac on our well-being, but did you know that not enough rest, or backing off on intensity, in an exercise program can have a negative affect on progress?  Your body and mind need a break in order to perform at their best.  

You have steadily progressed over the past 15 weeks and have shown great success!  I continue to be impressed with your effort and determination to complete all the workouts.  Now it is time to back off!  This next week will look easy, which it's supposed to be.  During this time really focus on sleep, eating well, and giving yourself a break, kind of an exercise vacation ;-). You will be amazed how good you feel, along with being stronger when we amp it back up again next week.  

Have a GREAT restful week!

Monday / Wednesday:

Yoga of your choice.  Either video or find a class.  The point is to relax and stretch.

Tuesday / Thursday:

45 minutes of your favorite cardio.  Run, walk, bike, swim or mix them up.  Complete at an enjoyable pace.


Rest ;-)


4 mile run - enjoy the journey!


  1. After three weeks of camping, I was a bit concerned about jumping back in. But this week of active rest was just what I needed to commit to training again and not get overwhelmed. I was able to enjoy some additional fun activities this week (kayaking and indoor rock climbing) in addition to the workouts planned. Now I really have to reclaim my diet. For the first few days of camping, maintaining some of my eating changes was not to hard. However, it was next to impossible after that. This week I find I am still struggling to restore the changes. Fortunately, today is a new day and another chance to eat better.


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