5 weeks to go! 10 mile run ;-)

When your best laid out plans go up in smoke!

For our grandkids birthdays, even years from age 6 on, we have decided to do something with them rather than simply buy a present.  It's a great time for Charlie and I to spend with just a few instead of the entire team.  It was determined, by them, that at 6 we go to the Great Wolf Lodge and at 8 we go backpacking.  
Carson and Sophee, the 2 oldest, are both 8 this year so last weekend was our great adventure!   Charlie picked a place he had only read about as it was not deamed difficult, was close to our house, and was a hike filled with lakes, 150 to be exact!  
It took a little longer to get to the trailhead than we thought it would but the drive was fun as the kids talked about the unknown of what we were about to do.  It was supposed to be 100 degrees that day, but fortunately it only got to be about 85.  The sky was clear as we approached the parking lot.  
The first shock of the day came when there were people everywhere!!!  The parking lot was full, the road had cars parked along the shoulder for about a half a mile, and the trail looked like a ride line at Disneyland!  Charlie and I looked at each other as the thought of, "what the heck are we doing?!"  ran through our heads. The whole point of backpacking is to get away from the craziness of life and it seemed as though we had walked right into the middle of it!
Sophee and Carson had no idea that this was not the norm so their enthusiasm was as strong as ever and in fact rubbed off on us.    
The kids with their adorable backpacking packs and their comments on the beauty and how good it felt far outweighed any negative thoughts Charlie and I might have had.  After about 2 miles the crowd had thinned and it didn't seem as hopeless as we originally thought.  About 3.5 miles in we found a site that was next to a small pond and not far from a lake so we grabbed it, not wanting to miss out.  Setting up camp went smooth and brought with it a simple pleasure as the girls against the boys set up their tents and put all their things where they needed to go.  
Going swimming, fishing, and catching frogs were all part of the plan so swimming we went.  Carson, Sophee, then me all thouroughly enjoyed the coolness of the water while Charlie choose to explore around the lake.  He came back with news that there was an amazing site just on the other side so it was agreed that we would check it out.  As though the field of huckleberry bushes leading up to the site wasn't appealing enough, the lake was incredible!  It didn't take long for all 4 of us to agree that we needed to move!
We got out the fishing poles and Charlie spent the next hour or so untangling lines, rebaiting hooks, and instructing on how to cast - the kids loved it and determined that the next day would be spent trying to catch the big one!
Sophee and I were first up and were pleasantly surprised by the beautiful doe that was grazing on the other side of the lake.  We put our chairs up to the edge of the water and watched her enjoy all of God's goodness!  As soon as Carson got up he headed right for his pole and was excited to get started.  Just as the process began a camper from about a quarter mile away came heading our way in what appeared to be an almost panicked demeanor.  I thought she was chasing her dog but she had actually come to tell us we needed to leave right away as there was a fire!  What?!  Less than a mile from where the deer had been eating was a huge ploom of smoke that hadn't been there just 30 minutes prior!  A sense of panic went through us all as we realized we could actually hear it!  Packing up for 4 people, without freaking out small campers, was a little tricky!  It took about 45 minutes to get everything packed and on our backs but we were now on the trail heading out.  As we turned the corner just a short walk from where we had camped we watched flames shoot up higher than the trees - So CRAZY!!!!!
We were so disappointed to have to leave this beautiful spot so soon, but almost sadder at the thought that it might not look the same if we ever came back.
We had plans and a huge forest fire had not been a part of them.  Disappointment over having to leave so soon was big until we started down the trail.  Through the eyes and attitudes of 2 8 year olds we found a simple joy in talking with others about what was happening.  The ranger heading up the trail to clear people out was met with enthusiasm and an eagerness to talk about our experience.  The fun we had talking about our adventure while driving home seemed like nothing had really gone wrong at all!
Rolling with the punch of disappointment and finding good in what could have been bad is a quality I hope to use more often than not.  We don't know what each minute of each day holds but we do know who holds each day and I am so thankful.  God never panics or gets depressed because of circumstances so why should we!
I pray that if your plans are interupted by the unexpected that you will find joy in the moment anyway - Just like Carson and Sophee showed us!!!!

10 minute warm-up

    Upper body, core, and cardio, stretch

  1. 6 rounds:
           10 push ups
           10 dips
           15 scissor kicks
           30' crab walk - Forward and Back
           6 minute bike or row - moderate pace     
       10 minute cool down on bike, elipticle, or walk

*7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, stretch

        10 minute fast walk to warm up, full body mobility
  1 round:
        75 Box step ups
        50 Sit-ups
        4 mile run
        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.
There are many options online, or better yet, find a class to try!

DVD available on amazon:  "Moving Toward Balance"  8 week yoga with Rodney Yee
You tube:  Yoga for beginners  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ6NfFIr2jw


    Run, legs, core, stretch

    Warm-up:  10 minute bike, row, walk - full body mobility

1 round:

    5 mile run - make this enjoyable ;-)
*. 7 stretches for runners - Focus on these!!!!!


    Upper body, core, cardio, stretch

    5 minute warm up on walk, bike, row, or eliptical.  Full body mobility

5 rounds
     10 Bench Press - This is a lite weight, you'll be completing 40 reps overall
     20 (10 on each leg) knees to elbow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1YNvz1Hruk
     10 bicep curls - Same as the bench press

1 round:
    30 minute row or bike if no rower is available (If neither is available then walk for the entire 30 minutes)

    5 minute cool down



    Run, Stretch

    Walk to warm up for 10 minutes, full body mobility

    Run 10 miles - This is a HUGE mile post, you are truly AMAZING!!!!!!!!!  Congratulations ;-)

    10 minute walk to cool down

    Stretch well!!!!!!!!!!


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