1 week to go - You did it!!!!!!!

26 weeks ago you made a commitment to something you had never done before.  The journey was unknown but you determined to stick with it.  Week after week you completed workouts that were intended to make you stronger.  The weekly long run, which started at just a half mile, worked its way to a healthy 11!  To say you have accomplished something great is an understatement.  There are very few who stay with a commitment like this.  It would have been easy for you to quit because of this or that, but you didn't.  The goal to reach the finish line pulled you through and allowed you to enjoy the success of completing what you set out to do.  I am confident that you have a sense of pride and a renewed belief in yourself and what you are capable of.  Finishing anything that you start is a win but when it involves such physical effort you should be proud.  
I pray that this is not the end, but the beginning to more greatness in your life.  What is your next goal?  What have you said, "I could never" to?  Set your sights high and allow the dreams in your life become reality.  Persue that which will make you all that you can be - you are NEVER too old to dream and try something new!!!!!!  

The work has been done and you are ready to make the journey along the 13.1 mile course.  This week will be one of rest and active recovery.  The best you can do for yourself this week is to rest, eat well, stretch, and walk, easy jog, or easy bike.  

Sleep in
30 minute easy walk or bike



30 minute easy walk or bike



GIRLFRIENDS Half marathon!!!!

Meet at the registration tent at the start located at:
Warehouse 23/ Vancouver Waterfront Landing
100 SE Columbia St #102
Vancouver WA


Don't dress too warm.  It's better to start off a little cool than comfortable at the start.  You'll warm up real quick! 

I can't wait to experience the thrill of the finish and celebration of your efforts with you - You have truly inspired me!!!!!!! 


  1. Thank you for the amazing support, encouragement, and time you dedicated to planning our workouts!

  2. I feel in some ways this journey is like having a baby. I spend lots of time preparing and thinking about the big day. My body has been put through a lot these past many months. People see me training and ask me when the big day is. I am certain Sunday will be filled with lots of emotions as well, including absolute joy in the delivery of such a wonderful undertaking.

  3. Thank you Terree, your love of fitness and encouraging others is a gift.TGBTG love you💘


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