Merry week before Christmas


10 minute warm-up

6 rounds:
10 bench press - Find a weight that you can complete all 10 without stopping
10 kettlebell swings - choose a challenging weight
5 push ups
5 minute bike or row at a moderate pace

Cool down - Stretch


10 minute warm-up

4 rounds:
25 walking lunges
5 knees to elbow hanging on the pull-up bar
1 mile run

Cool down - Stretch


60 minutes of yoga


10 minute warm-up

100 squats
100 Romanian deadlifts
100 scissor kicks

30 row or bike at a moderate pace

Cool down - stretch


10 minute warm-up

5 rounds
15 Shoulder press
15 Bi-cep curls.
1000m Row

Cool down - Stretch


10 minute warm-up

Run 5-10 miles



  1. All the cold and wind and rain are keeping me indoors. Instead of running this week I did the elliptical. We had slight snow cover today so outside running was not considered as an option. Not sure I will keep up the running outdoors while it is below 40. I can't believe I am writing this but I sort of missed running today.

  2. And you said you hate running - The bug has bitten! You're perserverance is truly inspiring, most would call if off all together. Keep up the GREAT work!


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