It doesn't matter - because it's me!

"It doesn't matter, because it's me!"

Over the weekend we had our grandkids here for a sleepover.  When we're together I like to have crafts for them to do.  Our project for this time was Tye Dye shirts.  I explainded how to tie the rubber bands along with the option of making stensils that they could create whatever they wanted.  Our oldest granddaughter, Sophee, decided on stensils to write out the word LOVE.  She took the greatest care to spray the dye just right so the colors would be what she invisioned.  We were all so impressed with what she was creating and so was she.  Charlie was admiring all the work when he said to me, "look" as he was pointing at Sophee's shirt.  I didn't understand what he was referring to until he told me to look at the L - it was backwards!  Oh no, I wasn't sure what to do!  She was so careful in making it as perfect as she could and to point out a mistake had the potential of taking all that pride away.  Should I leave it alone or say something?  I decided to show her.  
She said to me, "You're impressed with how good my shirt turned out aren't you?"  to which I replied, "I totally love it!"  Then I said, "There's something on your shirt that I want to see if you notice."  When she looked at it she shrugged and asked, "what?"  When I pointed to the L she said, "It's backwards?"  and when I said, yes, she smiled and said, "oh well."  I told her I love it even more and think that it is perfect to which she replied, "why, because it's totally me?"  What an awesome example of being content with who you are! 
Sophee has recently been diagnosed with dyslexia and her ability, and willingness, to recognize it as a strength instead of a weakness is giving her the courage to see her imperfections as nothing more than a reflection of her super power.  What a way to go through life!  Instead of being discouraged because she can't do everything exactly right she is able to take pride and see past it and see all she has done well.  
Instead of looking at what's wrong focus on all that you have done right.  Make this week one that you appreciate yourself regardless of the direction your letters are going!


10 minute warm-up

  5 rounds:
           10 push ups.
           3 minute row or bike
           20 sit-ps
           400m run
           10 burpees.
           3 minute row or bike
       Cool down on bike, elipticle, or walk

*7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, stretch

        10 minute fast walk to warm up, full body mobility
        75 walking lunges
         4 mile run
        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


    Run, legs, core, stretch

    Warm-up:  5 minute bike, full body mobility

    3 rounds:
    1 minute plank
    30 scissor kicks
    10 burpees
    1 mile run
*. 7 stretches for runners


    Upper body, core, cardio, stretch

    5 minute warm up on walk, bike, row, or eliptical.  Full body mobility

    4 rounds
    20 Dumb bell overhead extensions.
    25 sit ups
    20 bicep curls

    30 minute row or bike

    5 minute cool done on bike rower or eliptical



Run 5-8 miles



  1. Thank you for your words. After three weeks of holidays and visiting family and schedule changes, I was feeling frustrated about not eating better (the wrongs). However, I was overlooking the fact that I still did maintained solid workouts throughout that same time. Thank you for the nudge to shift my mindset on the positives (the rights). It has really helped me feel good about regrouping this week as we return to our normal routines and eating habits.


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