Pushing reset!

The reset button has been pushed!

I don't know about you but every now and then I need to reset.  These past few months I have really struggled to keep my head in the game.  Being extra tired but not able to sleep, having my hair come out in clumps, and getting sick three times in a month kind of took it out of me!  My motivation levels were dropping rapidly and I wanted to quit everything.  This isn't really a good place to be and I wasn't liking it!  Fortunately, a trip to the doctors determined that my thyroid was low, which explained most of what I was experiencing so that was good. But, it didn't mean I was going to get myself back in a day!
Charlie and I had talked about going to Hawaii during Christmas break but after looking for a place to stay on Kaui and finding nothing I gave up.  Fortunately, Charlie didn't so off we went on Dec 26th and would not return until Jan 2nd!  It took me a couple of days to really settle in but once I did I could tell that rest was really what I needed.  My body was run down and my mind was beginning to follow.  The continuous stress on an already stressed system was taking its toll and something needed to be done.
I know how tremendously important rest is but I don't have a very easy time practicing it.  As you all are too well aware, life has it's way of relentlessly pulling at you from all sides.   Taking the time to step back and push the reset button has given me a breath of fresh air.  I have me back along with enthusiasm instead of regret for all that I have to do.  I realize that getting my thyroid working again has been a huge piece, but the refreshment to my mind has been great.
I hope you are able to listen to your body and mind and take the time to push the reset button when you feel your system getting bogged down.

Have a Great week!

10 minute warm-up

    Upper body, core, and cardio, stretch

  1.      30 min Bike, eliptical or row

  2.     5 rounds:
           20 sit-ps
           20 (10 per arm) dumb bell rows. https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/main/popup/name/one-arm-dumbbell-row

   3,  10 min bike, eliptical or row

*7 stretches for runners

    Run, legs, stretch

        10 minute warm-up
        50 air squats
         4 mile run
        10 minute walk to cool down

*. 7 stretches for runners


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


    Run, legs, core, stretch

    Warm-up:  5 minute bike, full body mobility

    1.   3 rounds:
          25 walking lunges
          35 scissor kicks
          1 mile run
*. 7 stretches for runners


    Upper body, core, cardio, stretch

    10 min warm-up

    4 rounds
    10 Dumb bell overhead extensions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRiJVZDpdL
    10 bicep curls
     500m row



    Run, Stretch

    10 minute warm-up

    5 - 9 mile run

    10 minute walk to cool down



  1. Kauai is a great place to rest and reset. Thank you for your honesty and open heart. May you allow God to show you what is enough.

    1. Your words are always such an encouragement Lisa - Thank you!


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