
"Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort."
Theodore Rooselvelt

May your effort this week be greater than any other so far!

Monday - No workout posted


10 min warm-up

6 rounds:
400m run
10 Kettlebell swings with a challenging weight
400m Run
10 Up dog Down Dog


45-60 minute yoga


10 minute warm-up

10 rounds:
100m Run
5 jumping lunges
10 sit-ups

Cool down/Stretch


10 minute warm-up

6 rounds:
5 minute moderate Bike or row
8 Push-ups
5 Pull-ups

Cool down/Stretch


10 minute warm-up

5-10 mile run

Cool down/Stretch


  1. Thanks for the advice about the pull-ups. I used the Smith machine to have a lower bar to reach up to and for the final 10 I used the band to assist me. Very challenging but the sense of triumph for having attempted 30 pullups (regardless of the prettiness of my form) remains.


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