
Charlie and I spent the weekend in Bend in celebration of our 37th anniversary.  It was a surprising restful time, something that we don't usually find when we go away.  The call of the mountain, skiing, has been our purpose in all our past visits but this time snow was limited and Charlie's knee was bothering him.  So, we slept - it was AWESOME!

I enjoy running when we are away, it's a great way to see the surroundings up close and get a little exercise in at the same time.  I was told about this path that was across the street from where we were staying that would take me into town.  Well then...I must travel on that path!  

I had to find my way out of the complex, cross the highway, and then work my way through some trees to where I found the path.  It was beautiful!  Charlie would meet me in town, about 6 miles away, where we would then leave for home.  I couldn't think of a better way to end such a great getaway.  

As I was running on this path, all alone at times, I was able to relax, enjoy the beauty, and listen to my music because I knew the path I was on would take me to the destination I had decided on going. At one point, once I got into town, I was confused as to which way to go.  There were a couple of options, but one would take me right where I would meet Charlie.  After a little U-turn I was on the right path again and within minutes was headed in the right direction.  

I am reminded of the paths we take in life.  We make plans, find our way and then sit back and make our way one step at a time.  There are times that we get a little confused and can loose our way, but with a little direction, and a U-turn or two, we are able to head back in the direction we have intended.  

New paths that come our way can be exciting and open new doors of opportunity that we would otherwise miss by not venturing out.  The path in Bend is one we will take our bikes on the next time, to see how far it goes and what new things we can see.  The same is often true with our paths in life.  Once we journey out the possibility of desiring more is very likely.  I pray that you look for paths that you have not yet traveled and that you are able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey planned paths can take you on.


10 minute warm-up

  1. 2 rounds:
           20 push ups.
           5 minute bike - Moderate pace
           20 dips
           5 minute row - Moderate pace (bike if you don't have access to a rower)
           50 sit-ups
           5 minute bike - Fast
           15 burpees
           5 minute row - Fast (bike if you don't have access to a rower)     
       Cool down/Stretch


        10 minute Warm up
  4 rounds:
        25 walking lunges - chest up and knee to the ground
        400m run
        25 squats - chest up and butt below the crease of your knee
        400m run
        25 box step up/ step down - Make this a challenging height
        400m run
        25 knees to elbow
        400m run
        10 minute walk to cool down

Cool down/Stretch


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


    10 minute warm up

1 round:
   5 mile easy run
Cool down/Stretch


  10 minute warm up

4 rounds
     15 Bench Press
     25 sit ups
     15 bicep curls

1 round:
    30 minute row, bike, or eliptical 

  Cool down/Stretch


Warm up

 5-10 mile run

Cool down/Stretch


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