Live brave and be strong!

"Fear is only as deep as the mind allows"
Japanese Proverb

Live brave this week and be strong!


10 minute warm up

5 rounds:
6 hanging knees to elbow - Hanging from the pull up bar engage your lats while pulling your knees up to your elbows.  Focus on lats and core
12 hollow holds 
8 Ring Rows
20 sit-ups

30 minute bike, row, or eliptical 

Cool down/Stretch


10 minute warm up
4 rounds:
25 squats
25 walking lunges
1 mile run
cool down/stretch


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


10 minute warm up

3-4 mile run.  Every 5 minutes run fast for 30 sec.  
Cool down/stretch


10 minute warm up

5 rounds: 
20 (each side) fire hydrants - While on all 4's keep your core tight and back straight bend your leg and then lift up.  
3 minute row, bike or elliptical 
6 Hanging knees to elbow
3 minute row, bike or elliptical
5 pull ups - use bands if needed
3 minute row, bike or elliptical

Cool down/stretch


10 minute warm up

5 - 10 mile run

Cool down/stretch



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