Look towards greatness!

Being amazing doesn't just happen, you have to put forth the effort and... always wear your helmet!  These 4 motorcycle enthusiasts completed lap after lap on motorcycles and quads today all the while believing they were the best.  Practicing a new skill can bring defeat, but it's the continued effort that brings about success.  
As you set out to complete each workout this week focus on practicing that which comes hard.  Don't allow the things you can't do stop you from trying.  Make adjustments to allow for baby steps of accomplishment and look for improvement.  I'm confident you are better and stronger today than you were a year ago and that there are moves and skills that you might not be able to do now but will in the near future!
Look towards greatness!


10 minute warm up

10 rounds:
1 minute fast bike, eliptical or row
6 Up dog/ Down dog
10 hollow holds 
1 minute fast bike, eliptical or row
6 Ring Rows
10 sit-ups

Cool down/Stretch


10 minute warm up
4 round:
25 squats
800m run
25 walking lunges
800m run
cool down/stretch


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


10 minute warm up

1 mile run
10 burpees
1 mile run
25 walking lunges
1 mile run
25 squats
1 mile run
Cool down/stretch


10 minute warm up

5 rounds: 
15 burpees
25 sit ups
5 pull ups - use bands if needed

30 minute bike, row, or elliptical

Cool down/stretch


10 minute warm up

5 - 10 mile run

Cool down/stretch



  1. I am still trying to conquer those pull ups! I am determined to get one full, unassisted pull up! Then I can build from there. Anyone else challenged by them?


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