Training for the impossible

Training for the impossible

Swimming in the open water has been a fear and something I have failed at in my attempts.  So why in the world would I ever think that a triathlon is a good idea, much less a half ironman?!  Over the past 9 weeks the focus of my workouts has been that which seems impossible.  Swimming 1.2 miles and then riding my bike for a 55 miles followed by a half marathon is beginning to seem like a bad idea. The lack of time I have to commit to the training causes me to think that maybe "I can't" do that which seems impossible.  
But you know what?  I have found another life lesson in this process.  So much in life can seem beyond us, yet if we continue on we find that what has kept us from success most has been what is in our head.  Thinking of all the perceived impossible dreams I have, and have had, throughout my life I see more than once where it all worked out so much greater than I could have even imagined and was an opportunity I would have hated to miss!  
I want to live my life training for all that seems impossible and then celebrate any success, no matter how great or small - may you determine to do the same!


10 minute warm-up

4 rounds:
10 Bicep curls
2 minute row
10 tricep dips
2 minute bike
15 hollow holds
2 minute row
30 ft Bear crawl - Forward and back
2 minute bike

Cool down / Stretch


10 minute warm-up

4 rounds:
25 Squats
25 Box step-up/down
800m run
25 Scissor kicks
25 Sit-ups
800m run


45 - 60 minute yoga


10 minute warm-up

4 rounds:
40 Walking lunges
15 burpees
1 mile run


10 minute warm-up

4 rounds:
15 Push-ups
10 Ring rows
5 Pull-ups
10 minute Row or Bike


10 minute warm-up

Run 5 - 10 miles


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