Big day!

Today I had a big day workout which turned out to be huge accomplishment for me!  It started with a one mile swim in the lake at 7:00am.  Followed by an hour and a half rest and then a 3 hour bike!  Another hour and a half rest before the finishing touch of an hour run!  Pretty much a triathlon day!

The swim, of course, was the portion that kept me awake most of last night.  I have yet to complete the mile in open water without stopping or experiencing some weird breathing attack.  Today, however, with a couple of puffs on a pre-race inhaler, a whole lot of determination, and Charlie with me on his paddle board - I did it!  This might not seem like much to someone who is comfortable in the open water, but this is a HUGE personal accomplishment for me.  As of last week, due to a horrible time in the water, I had pretty much pulled myself out of the upcoming Ironman 70.3  I am registered for.  Convinced I was in way over my head, both figurtivly and physically, I didn't think there was any way possible that I could complete that portion which would take me out of the race before I even had a chance to get started.  But, as with so many things in life and races, one more try was what it would take to prove me wrong.

No, I won't be breaking any records for time, but I have done something I thought truly was so far beyond me that it was best not to try anymore.  Adjustments and one more time can be so powerful!  To say that I was scared of the failure doesn't come close to the feelings I have felt.  Afraid of something bad happening and getting stuck, afraid of loosing my strength and sinking, afraid of... but none of it happenend!

Do you see the life lesson here?!  This one has been screaming at me all day!  Ya, I'm REALLY tired but more than that I'm so excited.  The what if's are continuing to play there crazy song in my head, but now I have some ammunition to fight back with.  Maybe the lake for the race is colder, but what if it isn't?  What if I don't have a day like today, but what if I do?  What if...?  I have 4 more weeks to prepare and to continue to strengthen my body and mind to fulfill a goal that was never intended for me - or is it?!

I pray you have a week of beating up the what if's and I can'ts and that everyday will be a BIG DAY for you!

Here ya go!


10 minute warm-up

6 rounds:
5 clean and jerks -
10 ring rows

1 round:
3000m row or 30 minute bike or eliptical
Or - 
Optional:  If there is a pool accesible to you, go for a swim!!!  Start with 15 minutes ;-)

Cool down - Stretch


10 minute warm-up

3-4 mile run

50 push-ups
50 dumbbell curls - Alternating (25 per arm)

Cool down - Stretch


60 minutes of yoga


10 minute warm-up

5 rounds
10 back squats - make this a weight that you can complete all 10 without stopping
5 box jumps
400m run

Cool down - stretch


10 minute warm-up

5 rounds
500m row, or 5 min bike or elliptical 

Optional:  Swim if available - 15 minutes ;-)

Cool down - Stretch


10 minute warm-up

Run 5 - 10 miles



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