Exercise, the key to a healthy life!

Happy Mother's Day!

My Mom, my inspiration.  For as long as I can remember my Mom has exercised everyday!  As a little kid I would see her first thing in the morning completing her routine of keeping herself in shape.    She would kill me for saying this, but she will be 80 in September.  I don't know if you can see from this picture, but she doesn't look anywhere close to her age!  The posture she has had forever is still that of being very straight.  Her strength is impressive and something she continues to work on.  I have always been impressed with her fitness, but as I get older it becomes that much more of a testament to how exercise adds to the quality of life as the years roll on.  
Today as you begin your routine I challenge you to think of how you are preparing for the rest of your life.  
Keep moving and enjoy the day!

10 minute warm-up
5 rounds:
50 Mountain climbers
10 push ups
25 sit - ups

30 minute bike with 5 - 2 minute hard efforts scattered throughout



10 minute warm-up
6 rounds:
50 Jump rope
10 back squats - choose a weight you can complete unbroken
800m run



45 - 60 minutes Yoga


10 minute warm-up
2 rounds:
30' Bear crawl forward and back
1 mile run
10 Bench press choose a weight you can complete unbroken
1 mile run



45 minute bike at moderate pace

5 rounds:
10 dumbbell Thrusters
5 pull ups - use band as needed




5 - 10 mile run



  1. What a beautiful picture of two lovely ladies who give their best in all they do.


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