Lesson from the swim

The drama of the swim continues!
This week has been an up and down as far as my swim sessions have gone.  One day was ended by what is supposed as an asthma attack, two days later was a success in the beautiful waters of Lake Merwin only to be followed two days later by a shortened session because I just couldn't do it without the support of a kayak - What the heck?!  
I have concluded that my physical issues are possibly brought on by my mental issues.  Though I don't like for my face to be in the water for the amount of time it takes to swim over a mile, it does seem doable when I know there is help close by.  The constant battle of pushing myself past the point of being so incredibly uncomfortable brings a whole heap of ups and downs in my emotions and confidence.  At this point, as crazy as it may seem, I am not willing to give up.  
Having only two weeks until the day of the race it is my plan to be in the water as many days as possible between now and then. Focusing on simply completing the one hour in the water and then enjoy the ride and run that follows is my goal. But, I am proud of myself in saying that I know there is a possible good day or a possible bad day awaiting me two weeks from now.  The only way I will know is to continue on and give it a try.  This journey continues to shed light on so many things in my life, spiritually, emotionally, and physically that I am confident it is all being worked for good.  
Such a life lesson!  Every difficult situation in life can be doable if we have someone close.  They don't always need to say or do anything but their presence can be comfort enough.  The feeling of being vulnerable is one that can be suffocating and place on top of that the feeling of being alone we loose confidence and just want out.  
I want to be tough minded and  focused so that the goals are more than a dream.  It is my desire to continue on, even if this one doesn't work, until I get past the obstacle before me.  Why?  Because I believe that God can, and is, using experiences like this to make me into the women of God He wants for me to be.  Strong, focused, and confident in Him is exactly where I want to be and if breaking through the fear of open water swimming is how that can be attained, then I'm in!  

'Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'  Isaiah 41:10


10 minute warm-up
5 rounds:
10 bench press
10 bent barbell rows
25 sit - ups

30 minute bike with 5 - 2 minute hard efforts scattered throughout



10 minute warm-up
6 rounds:
10 burpees
20 scissor kicks
800m run



45 - 60 minutes Yoga


10 minute warm-up
2 rounds:
50 walking lunges
1 mile run
25 burpees
1 mile run



45 minute bike at moderate pace

5 rounds:
10 dumbbell Thrusters
10 ring rows




5 - 10 mile run



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