Eagerly await the next thrill

As part of our summer adventures I had the thrill of going with these three on a jet boat ride down the Willamette River!  The speed of the boat was good, but once the first sideways slide was experienced they were hooked.  The 2 hour trip was filled with spins, stops, speed, and HUGE amounts of water pouring over our heads!  The hot weather caused us to anticipate the next "splashing" and exactly how that splashing would occur.  
It was so much fun watching my grandsons be so excited while filled with anticipation and then react with contagious enthusiasm.  Hanging out with them causes me to feel like a kid again, and this day was one of the best.  
It's easy to get caught up in being a grown-up and forget what it's like to be a kid and enjoy life.  Letting go and allowing the enthusiasm of a child is one of the best ways to "grow-up"  It's is my pray that you will have the opportunity this week to look forward to a fun ride that might even get you a little wet!

10 minute warm up

7 rounds:
10 push ups
10 knees to elbows - Hanging from a pull-up bar
10 dumb bell thrusters
5 minute bike, row or eliptical

Cool down/Stretch


10 min warm-up

6 rounds:
400m run
10 Kettlebell swings with a challenging weight
400m Run
10 Up dog Down Dog


45-60 minute yoga


10 minute warm-up

10 rounds:
100m Run
5 jumping lunges
10 sit-ups

Cool down/Stretch


10 minute warm-up

6 rounds:
5 minute moderate Bike or row
8 Push-ups
5 Pull-ups

Cool down/Stretch


10 minute warm-up

5-10 mile run

Cool down/Stretch


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