Nothing like a good nap!

This past weekend Charlie and I had the privilege of having 7 of our grandkids along with one of their friends for a sleepover.  Though these sleep overs are more like overs because of the lack of sleep they are never short of fun, junk food, and friendship.  After a full day of play and short night of sleep we took them out on the boat.  
This sleeping little guy, 4 year old Deacon, was a crazy man who enjoyed the pull in the innertube to the fullest.  He was flying all over the place as he laughed and kept asking to go faster!  The water was warm but once out the air was cool. To keep his wet little body warm he burried himself under a blanket where the warmth and the hum of the engine put him sound asleep.  He didn't wake up as we pulled the boat out of the water, cleaned everything out, and then put him in the car!  This is how he stayed all the way back to our house and beyond.  Too much fun and fatigue eventually got the best of him and his mind and body went to rest.  
What a great spot to be.  Completely relaxed and enjoying sleep after heaps of fun and excitement.  A great way to live life.  Enjoying each day to the point of collapse would be the best. Think of the impact you could have on all those around you if you lived to the fullest in everything you did.  This is my desire and I hope you find encouragement in this mindset too. 
Have a great week!


10 minute warm-up

  1. 2 rounds:
           20 push ups.
           5 minute bike - Moderate pace
           20 dips
           5 minute row - Moderate pace (bike if you don't have access to a rower)
           50 sit-ups
           5 minute bike - Fast
           15 burpees
           5 minute row - Fast (bike if you don't have access to a rower)     
       Cool down/Stretch


        10 minute Warm up
  4 rounds:
        25 walking lunges - chest up and knee to the ground
        400m run
        25 squats - chest up and butt below the crease of your knee
        400m run
        25 box step up/ step down - Make this a challenging height
        400m run
        25 knees to elbow
        400m run
        10 minute walk to cool down

Cool down/Stretch


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


    10 minute warm up

1 round:
   5 mile easy run
Cool down/Stretch


  10 minute warm up

4 rounds
     15 Bench Press
     25 sit ups
     15 bicep curls

1 round:
    30 minute row, bike, or eliptical 

  Cool down/Stretch


Warm up

 5-10 mile run

Cool down/Stretch


  1. Great reminder at this time of transition. I admit I didn't do all the workouts last week because I have been clearing brush for a few hours every day instead using only hand loppers and a rake on a steep slope. I will even admit that one day last week I ran 4 miles just because I wanted to!!! Yes, I just admitted I wanted to run! Thank you so much for the weekly workouts. They keep me focussed and motivated.

  2. Nice work Lisa! I knew the "run just because bug" would get you eventually! Thank you for being such an encouragement to me and so many others.


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