One more for the books!

I can't remember for sure, but I think the completion of this year's Hood to Coast was my 15th.  Each one has included running a different leg and riding in the van with different people.  There are always stories to tell at the end of the 24 plus hours that are spent either running or riding in the van. 
This year was one of my favorites.  The weather was good, I ran well, but most of all I had the privilege of being in the same van as my son, Cameron.  Even though he has run most of these races on the same team as me, we usually split up, he is in one van and I am in the other.  Being the camptain, I decided that this year I would run the only leg I have never run and put Cam in the same van as me - a decision that proved to be just what I needed!


10 minute warm-up

5 rounds:
5 minute Row or Bike
10 Push-ups
10 Bench Dips
10 ring rows
20 Sit-ups

Cool down / Stretch


10 minute warm-up

5 rounds:
800m run
25 walking lunges
25 scissor kicks

Cool down / Stretch


45 - 60 minutes Yoga
Group workout at my house


10 minute warm-up

3 rounds:
50 air squats
1 mile run

Cool down / Stretch


30 minute Bike or row at a good pace

5 rounds:
10 Bicep curls with a challenging weight
10 Dumbbell thrusters - use a challenging weight
10 Sit-ups

Cool down / Stretch


10 minute warm-up

5-10 mile run

Cool down / Stretch


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