Think of all the good in your life this week and be thankful!


10 minute warm-up

4 rounds:
10 Bicep curls
2 minute row
10 tricep dips
2 minute bike
15 hollow holds
2 minute row
30 ft Bear crawl - Forward and back
2 minute bike

Cool down / Stretch


10 minute warm-up

4 rounds:
25 Squats
25 Box step-up/down
800m run
25 Scissor kicks
25 Sit-ups
800m run


45 - 60 minute yoga


10 minute warm-up

4 rounds:
40 Walking lunges
15 burpees
1 mile run


10 minute warm-up

4 rounds:
15 Push-ups
10 Ring rows
5 Pull-ups
10 minute Row or Bike


10 minute warm-up

Run 5 - 10 miles


  1. Thank you for the workouts. I look forward to getting back into the weight room and cardio sessions again. It took two weeks but I am finally healthy again.

  2. I'm glad that you are feeling better! Be sure to ease back into it.


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