Three months ago I began a challenge that I didn't think would bring such drasitc changes.  At the prompting of my brother and husband I accepted the goal of a physique competition.  I was up for the process of diet and exercise, but the posing at a show part was not anywhere within my comfort zone! more zone eliminated!  It was an experience I won't soon forget because of the lessons learned.  Something about standing in front of a camera in a bathing suit brings both panic and a sense of freedom.  There is no covering up if you want to see the progress, everything eaten throughout the week can be seen, both good and bad, and there is no hiding.

I am not one to hide much of anything from people.  I don't have secrets or dark corners in my life, or at least I didn't think I did.  Through this process I gained a kean awareness of the impact food choices, especially sugar, had on my life and how often I was eating "junk" when I was feeling stressed or overwhelmed.  I could tell myself that I had a good diet, which for the most part it was other than sugar, but my "fluffy" belly would reveal the fact that something was not quite right.

With a sense of determination I set out on a 12 week program of diet and working out twice a day.  I needed to have a goal and was sad that the only thing I could think of was to place myself in a competition.  It made me sick to my stomach to think about getting on stage and striking poses in front of an audience - It was bad enough doing them in front of Charlie much less a bunch of strangers!  But, each time I would say that I didn't want to do it Charlie and my brother would tell me that I needed to.  So, on I went.  I can say that this particular goal was sure to keep me on track!

The culminating event of getting on stage was as horrible as I imagined it to be, but an experience that has changed me.  The entire process allowed me to be completely exposed physically and in turn internally.  I want my whole life to be that of an open and exposed book.  One that sees change for the good on a regular basis because of the focus on the eternal goal of heaven.  Sticking to all that God has called me to do and continuously allowing Him to check my progress is my hearts desire.  I want to stand in front of God's camera fully exposed and have him say, "Wow, what progress!"  I don't want to make choices that will cause me to be "fluffy" and unfit for the goal, but rather I desire to be ready when that day comes to stand on the greatest stage in front of the most just and loving judge and have Him say, "Well done, your efforts to follow Me and to become all that I have you to be have been recognized and I am proud."  Oh how I look forward to that culminating event!

I have posted the following pictures as one more way of exposing myself and prayfully encouraging you to take the same steps.  Expose yourself for the purpose of change both inside and out.  Allow yourself the pleasure of taking up the challenge where you too can learn life lessons that will move you towards being even more incredible than you already are!


10 minute warm-up

  1. 2 rounds:
           20 push ups.
           5 minute bike - Moderate pace
           20 dips
           5 minute row - Moderate pace (bike if you don't have access to a rower)
           50 sit-ups
           5 minute bike - Fast
           15 burpees
           5 minute row - Fast (bike if you don't have access to a rower)     
       Cool down/Stretch


        10 minute Warm up
  4 rounds:
        25 walking lunges - chest up and knee to the ground
        400m run
        25 squats - chest up and butt below the crease of your knee
        400m run
        25 box step up/ step down - Make this a challenging height
        400m run
        25 knees to elbow
        400m run
        10 minute walk to cool down

Cool down/Stretch


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


    10 minute warm up

1 round:
   5 mile easy run
Cool down/Stretch


  10 minute warm up

4 rounds
     15 Bench Press
     25 sit ups
     15 bicep curls

1 round:
    30 minute row, bike, or eliptical 

  Cool down/Stretch


Warm up

 5-10 mile run

Cool down/Stretch


  1. You never stop inspiring me. During October, I did a sugar challenge and only had refined sugar twice (once mid-month for a very special event with a cake made specifically for us and once on the last day of the month as a break from the "sugar fast"). I realized that even though refined sugar was not a huge part of my day to day diet, I needed to be committed and intentional about removing it. Moving through November has been interesting with my new relationship with refined sugar.

    Your eating plan must have been really strict to get ready for your event. More important to me than how you look on the outside, is how you are feeling on the inside and your blog post shares the internal aspects so well. What changes do you consider sustainable? Did Charlie make the same changes as well?

    Congratulations on reaching another goal!

  2. Congratulations to you too Lisa! Suprisingly, the eating plan was not that radical. It was about 1500 cal that was spread over 5 meals per day. Each meal included carbs, protein, veggies, and a little fruit (blueberries with oatmeal at breakfast). It has been easy to sustain. I've added a few more calories by increasing the serving size a little. I will have to make more adjustments as I begin training for the triathlon, I'm trying the one again that went sideways last year, but I plan on staying with the same format of eating. Charlie did not make the same changes, he cheats too much ;-)


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