New Year, New goals, New you!

A beautiful early morning on the Island of Maui! 

Charlie and I had the privilege of spending 5 days on Maui after Christmas.  I took this picture on the morning of our last day as I began a run to finish our time and, sadly, prepare to go home. 
Through this picture I am reminded that there are sure to be cloudy days with rays of sunshine, yet others will be bright and warm.  There will be days where the sun never comes out and some that seem to stay cool. My prayer is that for each of the days ahead in 2019 I might find the beauty no matter the "weather."  I want to keep from grumbling when life just doesn't go the way I think it should or people don't act the way I want them to.  May my heart be where the "son" shines the brightest lifting the load from others who are caught in a cloud of despair.  
Life is so very short and though it can become heavy at times there is so much to be thankful for and to find blessings in.  
May your new year be one that sees the greatest change in you.  Be the one to bring light into the day and cause others to see the beauty in life - no matter what!

Happy New Year!

10 minute warm-up

5 rounds:
10 Bicep curls
10 tricep dips
15 hollow holds
30 ft Bear crawl - Forward and back

30 minutes row

Cool down / Stretch


10 minute warm-up

4 rounds:
25 Squats
25 Box step-up/down
800m run
10 push ups
25 Sit-ups
800m run


45 - 60 minute yoga


10 minute warm-up

5 rounds:
40 Walking lunges
15 burpees
20 sit ups

3-4 mile run


10 minute warm-up

40 minute bike

4 rounds:
15 Push-ups
10 Ring rows
5 Pull-ups


10 minute warm-up

Run 5 - 10 miles


  1. Thank you for the inspiring words. One of my personal goals is to complete another half marathon. I am considering one in August. Since that one seems so far away, I am checking on events in May and June. Additionally, I already made one change with the start of 2019. I am tracking all of my food intake. The sugar challenge I did in October really healed me mentally with my relationship with food. For the first time in decades, I am able to fully track what I eat - good, bad, or otherwise. After 10 days now, I am getting very comfortable with tracking it. Whether I hit my daily target or not, I celebrate I am mentally able to travel this 12 week journey. Thank you for the workouts. Although I still train alone, it really is great to get the workouts and know others are completing them as well. Cheers to 2019!

    1. Congratulations Lisa, on your perserverance and the continuous challenges you place on yourself. Let me know if you would like company for any of the races you might choose!
      Happy 2019


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