Today's the day - to be your best!

Be ALL you can be!!!


10 minute warm-up

20 rounds:
5 sit - ups
5 push-ups
5 dips
2 minute fast bike, row, or elliptical

Cool down / Stretch


10 minute warm-up

6 rounds:
40 walking lunges
25 box step-ups - a challenging height
10 candlesticks
400m run

Cool down / stretch


60 minute yoga


10 minute warm-up

1 mile easy

400m easy
400m fast
400m easy
400m fast
400m easy
400m fast
400m easy
400m fast

1 mile easy

Cool down Stretch


10 minute warm-up

10 rounds:
5 Bench press - a weight challenging but you can complete all 5 unbroken
5 bicep curls - a weight challenging but one you can complete all 5 unbroken
5 burpees

30-40 minute bike or row

Cool down Stretch


5 - 10 mile run


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