Let Go!!!


10 minute warm-up

 2 rounds:
           20 push ups.
           5 minute bike - Moderate pace
           20 dips
           5 minute row - Moderate pace 
           50 sit-ups
           5 minute bike - Fast
           20 burpees
           5 minute row - Fast    
       Cool down/Stretch


        10 minute Warm up
  4 rounds:
        25 walking lunges 
        400m run
        25 squats 
        400m run
        25 box step up/ step down
        400m run
        25 knees to elbow
        400m run
        10 minute walk to cool down

Cool down/Stretch


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


    10 minute warm up

1 round:
   5 mile easy run
Cool down/Stretch


  10 minute warm up

4 rounds
     15 Bench Press
     25 sit ups
     15 bicep curls

1 round:
    45 minute row, bike, or eliptical 

  Cool down/Stretch


Warm up

 5-10 mile run

Cool down/Stretch


  1. You are such an inspiration and motivation. Your photo looks like a zipline or ropes course adventure - both of which require your feet leaving the ground! Way to go!

    Thank you for the 12 week plan for the half marathon. I have transferred it to my calendar Saturday by Saturday through the race day. I am certain the weeks are going to fly along.

  2. You are going to do GREAT!!! How are you feeling? Do you feel like to work load is enough, too much, etc.?

    1. I seem to find that on days when I feel like the workout is lighter so I push faster or harder I end up a little sore the next day. So I think the workouts are just right. Even the week that was supposed to be an easier week I managed to accidentally run twice as far as I was supposed to one day. I greatly appreciate the workouts and do them faithfully.


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