Anything really is possible!

Victoria Ironman 70.3 completed and I LOVED it!

There is a life/spiritual lesson every time I push myself and the one that is loud and clear at this point is that of faith and trust.  Doubt is pushed aside when I believe that I have been coached well and that if he believes I am ready then so do I.  I have faith in stepping into a journey that I can’t see what might happen between the start and the finish because I have followed his lead to prepare.  
This is so reflective of my walk with the Lord.  Daily I need to follow the plan He has laid out and then trust and believe that I am prepared for all, good and bad, that might come my way between now and the finish of this life.  
There is so much more to these events for me than what might appear as a crazy addiction.  My mind, body, and mostly my spirit, become stronger with each adventure and are making me more of the woman of God I so desire to be.


10 minute warm-up

55 minute run

3 rounds:
           10 push ups.
           10 dip
           25 sit-ups

       Cool down/Stretch


        10 minute Warm up

6 rounds:
       500m row
       2 minute bike
  3 rounds:
        25 Jumping Jack squats
        10 knees to elbow hanging from the bar
        10 minute walk to cool down

Cool down/Stretch


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


    10 minute warm up

1 round:
   4 mile easy run
Cool down/Stretch


  10 minute warm up

4 rounds
     15 Bench Press
     25 sit ups
     15 bicep curls

1 round:
    45 minute row, bike, or eliptical 

  Cool down/Stretch


Warm up

 7 mile run

Cool down/Stretch


  1. I love your smiles and your heartfelt message about the process.

    I have struggled the past two months to maintain my dietary goals. Seeing the challenge as a spiritual one gives me a new perspective to consider. The past few days as I have considered this angle and I find I am regaining some of my resolve that has weakened. I need to lean in to Him more in the vulnerable moments and create healthier responses and actions despite my circumstances.

    Thank you for the weekly photos and regular messages. They help more than you know.

    1. I will be praying that you continue to gain spirtitual and mental strength as you focus on making your body stronger! You're doing AWESOME Lisa - I love hearing how this process is changing you. You inspire me!


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