The message behind the medal

A reason to continue pushing ahead!


10 minute warm-up

45 minute bike at a moderate pace - go fast every 5 minutes for 1 minute

3 rounds:
           10 Bench press
           10 dip
           25 sit-ups
           10 dumb bell bicep curls

       Cool down/Stretch


        10 minute Warm up

60 minute run
Cool down/Stretch


45 - 60 minutes of yoga.


    10 minute warm up

30 minute stair stepper

3 rounds:
     25 Jumping Jack squats
     10 hamstring curls
     10 AB roll outs
Cool down/Stretch


  10 minute warm up

4 rounds
     15 Ring Rows
     25 sit ups
     15 Push ups

1 round:
    45 minute bike 

  Cool down/Stretch


Warm up

 7 mile run

Cool down/Stretch


  1. The letter is so touching and correct. You inspire so many to tap into courage, strength, energy, abilities, and skills that are hidden deep inside. I so appreciate how you share aspects of your journey as you strive for your personal goals without expecting others to have the same goals. Personally, I know I don't have to attempt to keep up with you or be at your level in specific areas to know that you genuinely support my "successes" and my journey.


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